
This Orwell House website has been designed to be accessible to everybody.

The website is structured as a 1 page document with a main link to the Herring Homes website at the top right of the page, and 3 secondary pages that are accessible by using the bottom left navigation.

Text Size

You may change the size of the text of this website using your browser.

If you are a Windows user:

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and above: go to the View menu and select Text Size then choose between Medium, Larger or Largest
  2. Firefox 1 and above: go to the View menu and select Text Size
  3. Netscape 4: go to the View menu then choose Increase or Decrease font
  4. Netscape 6 and above: go to the View menu and select Text Zoom

If you are a Macintosh user:

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and above: go to the View menu and select Text Zoom
  2. Netscape 6 and above: go to the Edit menu and select Preferences


All content images used in this site include alt text and image title attributes.


When you click on a gallery thumbnail, the lightbox gallery will launch. You can then navigate the entire set of images by using either the left and right arrow keys, the 'p' key for the previous image and 'n' key for the next image or by mousing over the left and right side of the top of the image which will produce the 'previous' and 'next' buttons respectively. Left clicking on the black background or presssing the 'esc' key will exit the gallery.

Standards compliance

We strive to comply with the W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and aim for our pages to conform to W3C Level AA compliance.

All pages use well-structured semantic markup compliant with XHTML 1.0 Transitional. For example, h1 tags are used for main titles and then h2, h3 used for subtitles.